Monday, June 29, 2009

Research Artist #2 - Chuck Close

This piece of artwork is (I believe) traditional paints and created by Chuck Close. First off this piece has a strong sense of rhythm because of the repetition of squares. It's not too repetetive though because the squares somewhat blend with the other surrounding squares. There is very little actual line in this image. Like in realism much line is replaced with gentle gradients. This picture seems to have a good balance of light and dark. The colors in the individual squares are very vibrant yet so small that when seen from a distance the eye blends them into the skin tones. It seems to me that the eye on the right is a little too high.

This image deals with identity most apparently because the subject of the image is the artists self-portrait. I believe that the style they chose to represent themself shows some of their identity also. The squares remind me of pixels on a computer each filled with their own individual data. This could mean that the artist is strongly connected with technology. I'm also noticing that in the portrait the artist has a blank expression and I wonder if there's a significance to that.

The reason I was interested in this picture was the interesting variation on what could have been just an every day portrait. I have always liked pictures that have two very different looks when viewed from various distances. I also find it interesting that even though the squares remind me of pixels, the artist turned all the squares diagonal to make them seem less pixel-like.

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