Monday, June 29, 2009

Research Artist #3 - Kyle Butler

This picture is a digital self portrait by Kyle Butler. It seems as though the space in this picture is used efficiently. The images shown on the screen follow an implied curve along the bottom of the screen allowing room for the artists face to show through almost unblocked. The artists hands and face also follow a curve from the middle of the image to the bottom right. The exposure on the original photo fits nicely with the idea that he's in front of a computer screen because the hand touching the screen is very bright and the artist's face is also lit up by the screen.

Identity is addressed in this image through showing a self-portrait of the artist performing an activity. Instead of a stationary self-portrait, the artist is interacting with the computer and you can see his reaction to what is happening on the screen. Many parts of the artists identity can be gathered by what's displayed on the screen. There are photos of various friends or possibly family, and Batman the Dark Knight is playing.

The aspect I like most about this image is the concept behind flipping the desktop backwards so it appears that the viewer is inside the computer looking out at the artist. I think the black border around the main part of the image helps this concept of being inside the computer. Finally, I enjoyed how the artist was able to include many more insights into his identity through what he put on the screen.

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