Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Video Art Quiz

1) Name an Early artist mentioned in the article for CONCEPTUAL WORK performing in front of the camera.  Describe a work.  (2 points)
John Baldessari was an artist that performed conceptual work in front of the camera in his work "I am making art". In that film he stands appearing disheveled with a brick wall behind him making very slow continuous movements while he repeats the words of the title endlessly.  This is conceptual because it tests the boundaries of the definition of art as it applies to video.
2) Name an artist mentioned who deals with PERSONAL NARRATIVE. Describe a work.  (2 points)
Bruce Neuman created a personal narrative in his work Wall/Floor Positions where he uses his body as a moving sculpture in the space of his studio. 
3) Describe the piece you were most interested in viewing after reading this article. Look the work  up on the links, and expand on Rush's comments. (2 points)
I decided to look up the work 3 Transitions by Peter Campus. The reason I decided to look at these was he was trying out some special effects the camera offered such as layering 2 films over each other or deleting portions of the screen. Campus was using these clips as a metaphor for the inner and external person. In the first part his inner self is coming out of his external self and in the 2nd one he erases his outer self so the inner self can be seen. I just think this video shows a lot of creativity using a fairly new medium.
4) What do you better understand now about Video Art? (2 points)
I have learned that video art doesn't have to have a plot or even sometimes a meaning. To my surprise video art was a way for artists to play around with the camera and experiment with the new creative possibilities it offers.
5) Based on Rush and this article, what makes Video Art vs. an "artful video"? (2 points)
Rush describes that the most defining feature about Video Art which separates it from artful video is the what the video was made for.  Artful video is always created to promote or inform etc. whereas video art "creates a moment of personal expression regardless of practical application"

1 comment:

  1. B 8/10

    #2: Nauman is more Conceptual (performing) Bill Viola, Pipilotti Rist, Chery Donegan, Sadie Benning, Phyllis Baldino, Seoung Cho, George Barber, nelson Hendricks are artists who deal with personal narrative

    Otherwise good responses!
